Society for Island Biology

Society of Island Biology board elections

Society of Island Biology board elections

Dear SIB members,


We are very happy to officially announce the upcoming Society of Island Biology board elections, but first we’d like to use this opportunity to welcome you as a member to the SIB! The SIB is a young and thriving community of island biologists studying islands around the world and your membership supports the growth of our society.


The upcoming board elections will be held from January 22nd to January 31st 2024 using an online election tool. We would like to shortly explain the election procedure in this mail:


  1.       All members that have joined the SIB until October 31st 2023 are eligible to vote in the upcoming board elections. This includes everyone receiving this mail.
  2.       Each SIB member can cast one vote. The election will be anonymous.  
  3.       The SIB members will be voting for a bid. A bid consists of one candidate for SIB presidency and 9 board candidates
  4.       If you are interested in proposing a bid, please send all the necessary information to Sietze Norder ( until January 7th 2024. Remember that a bid consists of 10 people (one presidential candidate and 9 board candidates)
  5.       Only members of the SIB can hold an office within the SIB (i.e., the presidency or board membership). Please make sure that a bid consists entirely of SIB members.
  6.       The SIB thinks that representation matters. When putting together a bid, we urge members to adequately consider the diversity of island biologists from around the world in terms of gender, carrier stage, ethnicity, geographic distribution, disciplines, study taxa, etc.


Alexandra van der Geer and Luis Valente have kindly agreed to act as independent election officials to oversee and certify the board election results. They were chosen because they are SIB members but are not associated with the current SIB board and presidency.


More information will follow on the exact election procedures once all bids have been received and reviewed!


Kind regards,

